Thursday, September 29, 2016

Electrical Generator, Lights and Refrigerator Crafting In Ark Survival Evolved

Today in Ark Survival Evolved we craft an electrical generator and a refrigerator and lights to go with it to organize and light the barn at night.  We also take our now dead Ichthy out for its finial swim, poor guy. 

To craft an electrical generator is actually not that expensive.  You will need:

25 Metal Ingot
10 Electronics

In order to get power to your equipment you will need electric cables and an outlet.  The outlet has a pretty generous range.  Just place a light or whatever within that range, and it automatically send out a cord to power it.  The generator runs on gas, but seems to sip fuel, at least in single player.  On a server it will have to use gas even while you are not there if you want to keep your refrigerators running.   The lighting I put in really lights up the barn, compared to standing torches, which look cool, but require a lot of maintenance. 
Generator, Refrigerator and Lights: Ark Survival Evolved
Electrical generator: Ark Survival

The second part of the video shows my cool Ichthyisoraus and its untimely death after being swarmed by angler fish and other nasties.  And that is all I want to say about that.   In the next episode I put together an underwater army of megladons and Ichthies. 

Ichthy in Ark Survival Evolved
My Poor Ichthy: Ark Survival Evolved

What is Harvest Health and How to Harvest More Resources in Ark Survival Evolved

While looking at the various game settings in Ark Survival Evolved single player I noticed something called harvest health and that it could be set from 0 to 3.  I wasn't sure what it was, but I figured it out.  I had looked on the internet, and mostly what I found was people saying it didn't do anything, but it was probably a bug they would fix. 

How to Get more Resources Faster Single Player Settings

Harvest amount - 3
Harvest Health - 0
Resource Respawn Period - 0

I still haven't found on oficial definitioin, but my experiments showed that the higher the health the longer it takes for a specific resource to be harvested.  If you want to have less effort to collect resouces set harvest health to a low setting.  One is the defult setting and I tested it out hitting palm trees with a primitive metal hatchet.  It took about 7 hits with a hatchet to bring down a tree and I was harvesting somewhere around 20 wood.  With harvest health set to zero and harvest amount set to 3 it only took one hit and I got around 200 wood!  That is a real time saver.  It only takes one hit to harvest metal, rock, wood, thatch etc.  It also increases the amount of hide, meat, chitin, silk, etc. from corpses. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Kill All the Dinos in Ark Suvival Evolved - Single Player?

In the single player Ark Survival Evolved, on PC, I had a situation where hundreds and hundreds of Titian Boas, spiders, and centipedes were pouring out of the cave, so it is time to do a dino wipe.  All these creatures caused severe lag and low fps (about 5), and the game sometimes crashed.  The only real solution was to use the "destroywilddinos" command. The game froze for a few minutes as it had to spawn in all new dinos, but this command did work and killed everything on the entire map.  Finally, I can go into the area of the cave and not have crazy fps.

Reasons to destroy wild dinos
1) Lag and low fps because there are too many wild dinos in an area
2) There was an update with dino species and you want them to spawn in quickly
3) You've got something very dangerous like a giga near your base and you need a safe way to get rid of it. 

Before you try to kill everything I recommend backing up your game just in case something goes wrong.  You also don't want to be in the middle of taming something. To enter the command in single player

How to Kill all the Dinos I Ark Survival Evolved single player

1) Hit the tab key to bring up the console
2) Type enablecheats then hit enter
3) Hit the tab key to bring up the console again
4) Type destroywilddinos and hit enter

On Xbox and Playstation
PlayStation L1 + R1 + Square + Triangle (hit the buttons at the same time)
Xbox LB + RB + X + Y (hit the buttons at the same time)

The game could lag very badly, or freeze for a few minutes like it did on my PC.  Then all the creatures should be brand new. 

I have this same problem, but with fish, near our base on the Xbox one version, and will have to give it a try.   

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Double Barrel Shotgun in Ark Survial Evolved

The Double Barrel Shotgun in Ark Survival Evolved and its dlc's is one of the coolest weapons in the game, but not necessarily the most useful.  I like to use it for its fun factor rather than its utility.  The utility comes into play though in close quarters combat, even at medium range its power fades to poor.  However, when it's in your enemy's face it is the most powerful gun in the game.  It does 630 damage if all the 10 pellets land on target, truly devastating.  The two barrels fire in rapid succession, but the reload is long.  If your target is very dangerous make sure you can take it out in two shots, or you've got room to run after. 

The double barrel shotgun is crafted in the smithy and requires:
  • 80 metal ingots
  • 20 wood
  • 25 hide

It's not too expensive at all.  However, the shotgun shells really start to add up if you use it a lot.  They require
  • 3 -  simple bullets
  • 1 - metal ingot
  • 3 - gun powder
The double barrel shotgun is a lot of fun in Ark Survival Evolved and Ark Scorched Earth, it might save your life.

How to Make a Mortar and Pestle: Ark Survival Game

The mortar and pestle is on of the most important items to craft in Ark Survival Evolved, because it allows you to make narcotic.  Narcotic is going to let make tranq arrows, and later darts that are going to make it so much easier to tame creatures.  I don't think anyone is going to tame a Rex with a sling shot!  Other great stuff to craft in the mortar and pestle are: spark powder, cementing paste, and stimulant.  

To craft a mortar & pestle in Ark Survival Evolved is easy and inexpensive.  All you need are:

65 - Stone
15 - Hide

Although the materials are simple you will need to place it on a foundation.  I like to put my mortar and pestles on a table, just because they look a lot nicer and more natural than thrown on the floor of the workshop. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tapejara and Archaeopteryx: New Dinos Ark Survival Evolved

New dinos, Tapejara and Archaeopteryx dropped this week with the latest Ark Survival Evolved update.  Both of these creatures fly, well sort or.  I play on single player, and I looked for these guys, but I couldn't find them after a few hours, going afk, and restarting the game.  Eventually I resorted to spawning some in to test them out and make the video. 


Archaeopteryx is an early bird-like dinosaur that may have flown, or may have just been a glider.  In Ark Survival players, can hang in the air by holding the feet of the animal.  You can control direction of the glide, while slowly, I mean painfully slowly descending.  On PC hit the R key and you'll drop like a stone while still holding on to the bird, probably to your death.  This tame is a lot of fun, but I'm not sure it has any real utility. 


The Tapejara is the big brother of the Pteranodon in Ark Survival Evolved.  The coolest thing about this flying reptile is that three people can ride at the same time.  The two passengers can equip ranged weapons, so they can attack others in PVP, or tame dinos with tranq arrows and darts. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ark Survival Evolved Graphic Card Crash Fix

For me Ark Survival Evolved crashes due to a graphic card error every time it updates, but I found a fix for it.  Ark is a great game, but it is  still in its early release form, and can be a bit buggy.  I have had this same issue with Ark Survival of the Fittest.  It was really, really annoying when I didn't know what was wrong, and it still is annoying.  At least the fix is easy.

Ark Survival Evolved Graphic Card Crash Fix
  1. In your steam account look at your list of games
  2. right click on Ark Survival Evolved
  3. go down the pop up menu and select properties
  4. Click the Local Files tab
  5. on that menu click verify integrity of game cache

The program will then go through its file validating process.  For me it takes 20-30 minutes.   It will then find there are two missing files and fix the issue.  All is well until the next time steam updates.  Its gotten to the point when I see that steam is updating I just go straight and do this process to fix the problem before it crashes again.  It is stupid that I have to do this, but at least the fix is easy, even if it is inconvenient. 

If you have problems with frequent crashes in Ark single player mode you might want to save the game more frequently than it automatically does.  Click this link: how to have Ark Survival save manually to learn more