Here is a series of console commands that will allow you to cheat spawn in items and resources in Ark Survival Evolved for single player games and admins. Use this and all cheats with caution, as you may find you have ruined the game for yourself. Here is the command to spawn in metal, for example:
giveitemnum 9 50 1 false
in this case, the number 9 refers to metal, the 50 is the number of metal that will be put into your inventory, and the 1 is the quality of an item (value 1-100), so if it is a metal pick and you type 100 you will get an artifact level pick. False is just always there. The quantity can only go up to the quantity in a stack, so in the case of metal, you can type in 1000, but you will only get 200 at a time.
Note: I think it is important to say again that you should be careful with any cheats for Ark Survival Evolved, or any game for that matter, as you may find yourself with a boring, unchallenging game! These codes and the spawn dino console commands are probably the most useful in Ark Survival Evolved.
Note: I think it is important to say again that you should be careful with any cheats for Ark Survival Evolved, or any game for that matter, as you may find yourself with a boring, unchallenging game! These codes and the spawn dino console commands are probably the most useful in Ark Survival Evolved.
Use your browser's "find" (Google Chrome) or "find on page" (Microsoft Edge) option to search for the item or resource you want to spawn into your inventory. Bookmark this page to make it easy to come back to.
2 Assault Rifle
3 Rocket Launcher
4 Simple Bullet
5 Bow
6 Grenade
7 Wood
8 Stone
9 Metal
10 Hide
11 Chitin
13 Spoiled Meat
14 Cooked Meat
15 Water Jar
16 Water Jar (Full)
17 Cloth Pants
18 Cloth Shirt
19 Cloth Hat
20 Cloth Boots
21 Cloth Gloves
22 Hide pants
23 Hide Shirt
24 Hide Hat
25 Hide Boots
26 Hide Gloves
27 Chitin Leggings
28 Chitin Chestpiece
29 Chitin Helmet
30 Chitin Boots
31 Chitin Gauntlets
32 Stone Arrow
33 Stone Pick
34 Stone Hatchet
35 Metal Pick
36 Metal Hatchet
37 Torch
38 Paintbrush
39 Campfire
40 Standing Torch
41 Hide Sleeping Bag
42 Remote Detonator
43 C4 Charge
44 Blood Extraction Syringe
45 Blood Pack
46 Improvised Explosive Device
47 Waterskin
48 Waterskin (Full)
49 Berrybush Seeds
50 Fertilizer
51 Bingleberry Soup
52 Medical Brew
53 Energy Brew
54 Dinosaur Feces
55 Human Feces
56 Stegosaurus Egg
57 Spear
58 Red Coloring
59 Green Coloring
60 Blue Coloring
61 Yellow Coloring
62 Purple Coloring
63 Orange Coloring
64 Black Coloring
65 White Coloring
66 Brown Coloring
67 Cyan Coloring
68 Purple Coloring
69 Rex Saddle
70 Tranq Arrow
71 GPS
72 Flint
73 Metal Ingot
74 Thatch
75 Fiber
76 Charcoal
77 Crystal
78 Thatch Roof
79 Thatch Door
80 Thatch Foundation
81 Thatch Wall
82 Thatch Doorframe
83 Wooden Catwalk
84 Wooden Ceiling
85 Wooden Hatchframe
86 Wooden Door
87 Wooden Foundation
88 Wooden Ladder
89 Wooden Pillar
90 Wooden Ram
91 Wooden Trapdoor
92 Wooden Wall
93 Wooden Doorframe
94 Wooden WindowFrame
95 Wooden Window
96 Wooden Sign
97 Blueprint: Note
98 Citronal
199 Parasaur Saddle
100 Raptor Saddle
101 Stego Saddle
102 Trike Saddle
103 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle
104 Storage Box
105 Large Storage Box
107 Sparkpowder
108 Gunpowder
109 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
110 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
111 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Incline
112 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
113 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
114 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
115 Amarberry Seed
116 Amarberry
117 Azulberry
118 Tintoberry
119 Mejoberry
120 Narcoberry
121 Stimberry
122 Narcotic
123 Stimulant
124 Refining Forge
126 Compost Bin
127 Cooking Pot
128 Simple Bed
129 Small Crop Plot
130 Pteranodon Saddle
131 Longneck Rifle
132 Citronal Seed
133 Specimen Implant
134 Bronto Saddle
135 Wooden Fence Foundation
136 Compass
137 Scope Attachment
138 Slingshot
139 Pike
140 Radio
141 Obsidian
142 Dinosaur Gateway
143 Simple Rifle Ammo
144 Cementing Paste
145 Dinosaur Gate
146 Artifact of the Hunter
147 Artifact of the Pack
148 Artifact of the Massive
149 Artifact of the Devious
150 Artifact of the Clever
151 Artifact of the Skylord
152 Artifact of the Devourer
153 Artifact of the Queen
154 Artifact of the Strong
155 Argentavis Talon
156 Megalodon Tooth
157 Tyrannosaur Arm
158 Sauropod Vertebrae
159 Oil
160 Silica Pearls
161 Gasoline
162 Electronics
163 Polymer
164 Metal Catwalk
165 Metal Ceiling
166 Metal Hatchframe
167 Metal Door
168 Metal Fence Foundation
169 Metal Foundation
170 Behemoth Gate
171 Behemoth Gateway
172 Metal Ladder
173 Metal Pillar
174 Metal Ramp
175 Metal Trapdoor
176 Metal Wall
177 Metal Doorframe
178 Metal Window frame
179 Metal Window
180 Super Test meat
181 Flare Gun
182 Fabricator
183 Water Tank
184 Parachute
185 Air Conditioner
187 Electrical Outlet
188 Inclined Electrical Cable
189 Electrical Cable Intersection
190 Straight Electrical Cable
191 Vertical Electrical Cable
192 Lamppost
193 Refrigerator
194 Auto Turret
195 Remote Keypad
196 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined
197 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap
198 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
199 Metal irrigation Pipe - Straight
200 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap
201 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
202 Flashlight Attachment
203 Silencer Attachment
204 Carbonemys Saddle
205 Sarco Saddle
206 Ankylo Saddle
207 Mammoth Saddle
208 Megalodon Saddle
209 Sabertooth Saddle
210 Carno Saddle
211 Argentavis Saddle
212 Plesiosaur Saddle
213 Chitin/Keratin
214 Keratin
215 Metal Sign
216 Holo-Scope Attachment
217 Laser Attachment
218 Flak Leggings
219 Flak Chestpiece
220 Flak Helmet
221 Flak Boots
222 Flak Gauntlets
223 Enduro Stew
224 Lazarus Chowder
225 Calien Soup
226 Fria Curry
227 Focal Chilli
228 Savoroot
229 Longgrass
230 Rockarrot
231 Azulberry Seed
232 Tintoberry Seed
233 Mejoberry Seed
234 Narcoberry Seed
235 Stimberry Seed
236 Savoroot Seed
237 Longgrass Seed
238 Rockarrot Seed
239 Metal Billboard
240 Fabricated Pistol
241 Advanced Bullet
242 Advanced Rifle Bullet
243 Rocket Propelled Grenade
244 Medium Crop Plot
245 Large Crop Plot
246 Rare Flower
247 Rare Mushroom
248 Raw Prime Meat
249 Cooked Prime Meat
250 Battle Tartare
251 Shadow Steak Saute
252 Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew
253 Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder
254 Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup
255 Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry
256 Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chili
257 Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare
258 Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Sauté
259 Notes on Rockwell Recipes
260 Wall Sign
261 Metal Dinosaur Gateway
262 Metal Dinosaur Gate
263 Shotgun
264 Simple Shotgun Ammo
265 Metal Wall Sign
266 Amarberry Seed
267 Azulberry Seed
268 Tintoberry Seed
269 Narcoberry Seed
270 Stimberry Seed
271 Mejoberry Seed
272 Citronal Seed
273 Savaroot Seed
274 Longgrass Seed
275 Rockarrot Seed
276 Flag
277 Hunter Skin Hat
278 Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle
279 Spyglass
280 Spider Flag
281 Phiomia Saddle
282 Medium Dinosaur Feces
283 Large Dinosaur Feces
284 Brontosaurus Egg
285 Parasaur Egg
286 Raptor Egg
287 T-Rex Egg
288 Triceratops Egg
289 Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin
290 Dodo Egg
291 Preserving bin
292 Metal
293 Cooked
meat jerky
294 Prime
meat jerky
295 Rex bone
helmet skin
296 Nerdy
glasses skin
297 Rockwell medical brew
298 Rockwell
energy brew
299 Spino
300 Rockwell
meat jerky
301 Miner
302 Vault
303 Wood
spike wall
304 Dinosaur
305 Bookshelf
306 Stone
Fence Foundation
307 Stone
308 Metal
309 Parasaur
310 Ichthyosaurus
311 Stone Ceiling
312 Hatchframe
313 Reinforced Wooden Door
314 Stone Foundation
315 Reinforced Dinosaur Gate
316 Dinosaur Gateway
317 Stone Pillar
318 Stone Doorframe
319 Stone Windowframe
320 Fireworks Flaregun Skin
321 Tripwire Narcotics Trap
322 Tripwire Alarm Trap
323 Anklyo Kibble
324 Argentavis Kibble
325 Titian
Boa Kibble
326 Carno
327 Dilo
328 Dodo
329 Parasaur
330 Pteranadon Kibble
331 Raptor
332 Rex
333 Sarco
334 Broto
335 Pulmoscopius Kibble
336 Araneo
337 Spino
338 Stego
329 Trike
340 Carbonemys
341 Ankylo
342 Argentavis Egg
343 Titan Boa Egg
344 Carno Egg
345 Dilo Egg
346 Pteranodon Egg
347 Sarco Egg
348 Pulmonoscorpius Egg (Scorpion)
349 Araneo Egg (spider)
350 Spino Egg
351 Turtle Egg ) Carbonemys
352 Rockwell Recipes: Egg Based Kibble
353 Reinforced Window
354 Reinforced Trapdoor
355 Omnidirectional Lamppost
356 Industrial Grill
357 Pump-action Shotgun
358 Crossbow
359 Forest Coloring
360 Parchment Coloring
361 Pink Coloring
362 Royalty Coloring
363 Silver Coloring
364 Sky Coloring
365 Tan Coloring
366 Tangerine Coloring
367 Rockwell Recipies: Decorative Coloring
368 Transponder Tracker
369 Transponder Node
370 Single Panel Flag
371 Feeding Trough
372 Compound Bow
373 Metal Arrow
374 Canteen (empty)
375 Canteen (full)
376 Metal Sickle
377 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway
378 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gat
379 Bear Trap
380 Large Bear Trap
381 Trike Bone Helmet Skin
382 Re-fertilizer
383 Scuba Tank
384 Scuba Mask
385 Scuba Flippers
386 Plant Species X Seed
387 Plant Species X Seed
388 Spray Painter
389 Doedicurus Saddle
390 Sloped Thatch Roof
391 Sloped Thatch Wall Left
392 Sloped Thatch Wall Right
393 Sloped Wooden Roof
394 Sloped Wooden Wall Left
395 Sloped Wooden Wall Right
396 Sloped Stone Roof
397 Sloped Stone Wall Left
398 Sloped Stone Wall Right
399 Sloped Metal Roof
400 Sloped Metal Wall Left
401 Sloped Metal Wall Right
402 Magenta Coloring
403 Brick Coloring
404 Cantaloupe Coloring
405 Mud Coloring
406 Navy Coloring
407 Olive Coloring
408 Slate Coloring
409 Mindwipe Tonic (mind wipe tonic)
410 Wooden Raft
411 Bronto Platform Saddle
412 Pachy Saddle
414 Pachy Egg
415 Pachy Egg Kibble
416 Painting Canvas
417 Paracer Saddle
418 Paracer Platform Saddle
419 Pelt
420 Dimorph Egg
421 Kibble Dimorph Egg
422 Beelzebufo Saddle
423 Megaloceros Saddle
424 Fur Leggings
425 Fur Chestpiece
426 Fur Cap
427 Fur Boots
428 Fur Gauntlets
343 Titan Boa Egg
344 Carno Egg
345 Dilo Egg
346 Pteranodon Egg
347 Sarco Egg
348 Pulmonoscorpius Egg (Scorpion)
349 Araneo Egg (spider)
350 Spino Egg
351 Turtle Egg ) Carbonemys
352 Rockwell Recipes: Egg Based Kibble
353 Reinforced Window
354 Reinforced Trapdoor
355 Omnidirectional Lamppost
356 Industrial Grill
357 Pump-action Shotgun
358 Crossbow
359 Forest Coloring
360 Parchment Coloring
361 Pink Coloring
362 Royalty Coloring
363 Silver Coloring
364 Sky Coloring
365 Tan Coloring
366 Tangerine Coloring
367 Rockwell Recipies: Decorative Coloring
368 Transponder Tracker
369 Transponder Node
370 Single Panel Flag
371 Feeding Trough
372 Compound Bow
373 Metal Arrow
374 Canteen (empty)
375 Canteen (full)
376 Metal Sickle
377 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway
378 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gat
379 Bear Trap
380 Large Bear Trap
381 Trike Bone Helmet Skin
382 Re-fertilizer
383 Scuba Tank
384 Scuba Mask
385 Scuba Flippers
386 Plant Species X Seed
387 Plant Species X Seed
388 Spray Painter
389 Doedicurus Saddle
390 Sloped Thatch Roof
391 Sloped Thatch Wall Left
392 Sloped Thatch Wall Right
393 Sloped Wooden Roof
394 Sloped Wooden Wall Left
395 Sloped Wooden Wall Right
396 Sloped Stone Roof
397 Sloped Stone Wall Left
398 Sloped Stone Wall Right
399 Sloped Metal Roof
400 Sloped Metal Wall Left
401 Sloped Metal Wall Right
402 Magenta Coloring
403 Brick Coloring
404 Cantaloupe Coloring
405 Mud Coloring
406 Navy Coloring
407 Olive Coloring
408 Slate Coloring
409 Mindwipe Tonic (mind wipe tonic)
410 Wooden Raft
411 Bronto Platform Saddle
412 Pachy Saddle
414 Pachy Egg
415 Pachy Egg Kibble
416 Painting Canvas
417 Paracer Saddle
418 Paracer Platform Saddle
419 Pelt
420 Dimorph Egg
421 Kibble Dimorph Egg
422 Beelzebufo Saddle
423 Megaloceros Saddle
424 Fur Leggings
425 Fur Chestpiece
426 Fur Cap
427 Fur Boots
428 Fur Gauntlets
429 Wooden Club
430 Poison Grenade
431 Fabricated Sniper Rifle
432 Dodo Rex Skin
433 Greenhouse Wall
434 Greenhouse Ceiling
435 Greenhouse Doorframe
436 Greenhouse Door
437 Greenhouse Sloped Wall Left
438 Greenhouse Sloped Wall Right
439 Greenhouse Sloped Roof
440 Greenhouse Window
441 Riot Leggings
442 Riot Chestpiece
443 Riot Gauntlets
444 Riot Boots
445 Riot Helmet
446 Electric Prod
447 Handcuffs
448 Broth of Enlightenment
430 Poison Grenade
431 Fabricated Sniper Rifle
432 Dodo Rex Skin
433 Greenhouse Wall
434 Greenhouse Ceiling
435 Greenhouse Doorframe
436 Greenhouse Door
437 Greenhouse Sloped Wall Left
438 Greenhouse Sloped Wall Right
439 Greenhouse Sloped Roof
440 Greenhouse Window
441 Riot Leggings
442 Riot Chestpiece
443 Riot Gauntlets
444 Riot Boots
445 Riot Helmet
446 Electric Prod
447 Handcuffs
448 Broth of Enlightenment
449 Tek Storage
450 Adobe Double Door
451 Greenhouse Double Door
452 Metal Double Door
453 Reinforced Double Door
454 Tek Double Door
455 Wooden Double Door
456 Adobe Double Doorframe
457 Greenhouse Double Doorframe
458 Metal Double Doorframe
459 Stone Double Doorframe
460 Tek Double Doorframe
461 Woodend Double Doorframe
462 Adobe Fence Support
463 Metal Fence Support
464 Stone Fence Support
465 Tek Fence Support
466 Wood Fence Support
467 Large Adobe Wall
468 Large Metal Wall
469 Large Stone Wall
470 Large Tek Wall
471 Large Wood Wall
472 Flexible Metal Irrigation Pipe
473 Flexible Stone Irrigation Pipe
474 Adobe Stairs
475 Metal Stairs
476 Stone Stairs
477 Tek Stairs
478 Wood Stairs
479 Adobe Triangle Ceiling
480 Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling
481 Metal Triangle Ceiling
482 Stone Triangle Ceiling
483 Tek Triangle Ceiling
484 Wood Triangle Ceiling
485 Adobe Triangle Foundation
486 Metal Triangle Foundation
487 Stone Triangle Foundation
488 Tek Triangle Foundation
489 Wood Triangle Foundation
490 Adobe Triangle Roof
491 Greenhouse Triangle Roof
492 Metal Triangle Roof
493 Stone Triangle Roof
494 Tek Triangle Roof
495 Wood Triangle Roof
496 Flexible Electric Cable
497 Tek Shoulder Cannon
498 Astrocetus Tek Saddle
Industrial Forge cheat gfi IndustrialForge 1 0 0
Chemistry Bench cheat gfi chembench 1 0 0
Grappling Hook cheat gfi Hook 1 0 0
Cryopod cheat gfi cryo 1 0 0
Cryofridge cheat gfi CryoFridge 1 0 0
thank you it help me a lot my kid love to play with me waiting
ReplyDeleteto play dino my kids and can not wait thank you.
sos can not find chemisty bench
ReplyDeleteGFI chemistybench 1 0 0
DeleteSame where's the bench
ReplyDeleteWhata the code for the quetz plattform
ReplyDeletewhere is da gravestone?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the ID for narcotic spear?
ReplyDeleteWhats the id for element
ReplyDeleteMate gl
Deletewhere is the sarco skin
ReplyDeleteFor element you type in gfi element 10 1 0 0
ReplyDeletethanks u so much :>
Deletescissors ?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the fabricated sniper ammo
ReplyDeleteRifle bullets
DeleteGFI riflebullet 1 0 0
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone else would agree, but i would find things much easier if they were in alphabetical order of the item(s) we came here for instead of by their number. Please consider as every time I revisit i will have to look at each and every item on this list to find the one I am looking for. I think it would be easier to just scroll down to the "Y" and find the Yutyrannus saddle code in seconds.
ReplyDelete-Thank you for your time.
i can't find dedicated storage
ReplyDeleteCan i get glider suit..??
ReplyDeleteYes you can!
Deletecheat GFI Glider 1 0 0
Tranq darts?
ReplyDeletecheat GFI TranqDart 1 0 0
ReplyDeleteWyvern Milk
ReplyDeletecheat GFI WyvernMilk 1 0 0
DeleteWhat about snow owl saddle?
ReplyDeletecheat GFI owlsaddle 1 0 0
DeleteWhats the command for Maewing saddle?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the codes for all of the hazard suit parts?
ReplyDeleteWhat about swamp tree. The one in abbartion
ReplyDeletetranq arrow
ReplyDeleteI tried Obsidian and I got a wood dino gateway. :/
ReplyDeleteSome of them are mixed ahead so try one before it
DeleteWe’re is the industrial forge
ReplyDeletecheat gfi IndustrialForge 1 0 0
DeleteWhere's gunpowder
ReplyDeleteIt is there:
Deletecheat giveitemnum 108 1 0 0
What number of ammo shotgun (shells)?
ReplyDelete264 for the item.
Deletedodo rex skin???
ReplyDeleteidek brodi
DeleteWhats for black pearls
ReplyDeleteI can't spawn in 216 or 217
ReplyDeleteis there one for extraordinary kibble